The 20 funniest Portuguese expressions (and how to use them)
1. A Portuguese does not ‘give up,’ he ‘takes his little horse away from the rain.’ ( Tirar o cavalinho da chuva. ) 2. A Portuguese does not ‘have a problem,’ he ‘is done to the beef.’ ( Estou feito ao bife! ) 3. A Portuguese does not want you ‘to leave him alone,’ he wants you to ‘bother Camões.’ ( Vai chatear o Camões. ) <IMG src="" alt="" title=""> 4. A Portuguese does not ’cause problems,’ he ‘breaks all the dishes.’ ( Partir a loiça toda. ) 5. For a Portuguese, you are not ‘sexy,’ you are ‘as good as corn.’ ( Boa como o milho. ) 6. A Portuguese does not ‘work a lot,’ he ‘gets water up his beard. ( Água pela barba. ) 7. A Portuguese does not ‘talk about the same thing over and over again,’ he ‘turns the record and plays the same song’. ( Gira o disco e toca o mesmo. ) 8. A Portuguese does not do something ‘to show off,’ he does it ‘so...